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Volume spike - key to high probability trading

Amid pandemic lockdown, from home office, a brief outline of the Volume spike trading application, why volume spike or sudden change in volume is important and can provide high probability trading opportunity

Intraday Seasonality Trading Application, a brief description!

While the underlying Stock or ETF might move only by a small percentage in a trading day, it actually moves between the highs and lows of the day and in most occasions these highs and lows are created in certain hours of the day following a historical pattern. Sapphire Technologies’ algorithm looks at the top Stock and ETFs and picks up the daily movement of the underlying to provide the historical track record of the time of the day at which the underlying Stock or ETF moved and in which direction.

Price Action Trading Application, a brief description!

Price action trading is about finding out if an underlying Stock or ETF is demonstrating certain characteristics in terms of momentum or trend or volume or volatility or various combinations of these. Sapphire Capitals' Price Action Trading application uses a proprietary algorithm to identify past price action patterns and provides the probability of recurrence of the patterns when similar price action event occurs in future.

Seasonality Trading Application, a brief description!

Seasonality is a major force in financial markets. Sapphire Capital's Seasonality Trading application finds the seasonal patterns and trading opportunities with user defined level of confidence.

Volume Spike Trading Application, a brief description!

Volume spikes are key indicators to the price movement of the underlying Stock or ETF in short term even on longer term. Our Volume Spike Trading application provides a detailed insight into the past volume spikes and probability of such spikes when it happens in future.

Price Action Trading Application - Tutorial

This tutorial provides description on how to access the application, what inputs are required and how to interpret the summary and detailed reports and also charts.

Volume Spike Trading Application - Tutorial

This tutorial provides information about how to access the application, what inputs are required and how to interpret the summary and detailed report and also charts.

Seasonality Day Trading Application - Tutorial

This is the tutorial for our Seasonality Day trading application, description of how to use this application, inputs and summary and detailed report, interpretation of the contents of those reports.

Seasonality Trading Application - Tutorial

This tutorial is about using our Seasonality trading application, how to access the application, what inputs are required, how to interpret the summary and detailed report and view the various charting options.